Day 11

As I will be working on a big new project with a few new programmers, I spent time today on writing a document containing all kinds of information, tips, tricks and common pittfals about the engine and systems we will be working with. On thursday I will present this document to a group of people that are involved with the new project.

After lunch I had a sprint kickoff meeting, where we used score cards to assign time and value to the user stories and discussed what everyone had to do and what problems there could be. Afterwards we all got together in smaller groups to discuss subtasks and create more user stories for the scrumboard.

Based on the scrum tasks available right now I will start some preliminary work on the new game, prepare for the knowledge transfer presentation and help create a design for the new systems.

Besides that, I’ll also do more work on my project initiation document soon!


By thomhurks

Programming Intern at Vanguard Games, Amsterdam.